The Aster Castle
Home of Your Majestbee

Bee fun facts:
- A honey bee can fly up to 15 miles per hour.
- Honey bees must consume about 17-20 pounds of honey to be able to biochemically produce each pound of beeswax.
- The Honey bee’s wings stroke 11,400 times per minute, hence the buzz.
- Bees have been known to steal honey from other bees if honey from another hive is available or if times are lean. If a guard bee from the robbed hive catches the thief, the two will engage in battle, stinging to the death. If the robber makes it into the hive unnoticed, she will gain the scent of the hive, and she can come and go without being detected as an intruder.
- Honeybees sleep between 5 & 8 hours a day. More rest at night when darkness prevents them going out to collect pollen & nectar.
Endangerment status
Globally, 16 bee species are vulnerable, 18 are endangered, and 9 are critically endangered.
Bees are at risk of extinction largely due to large-scale changes in land use, industrialised agricultural practices, and the use of pesticides have all contributed to destroying their habitats and reducing their available food sources.
Bees' favorite plants
- Aster (Symphyotrichum novae-angliae)
- Black-eyed susan (Rudbeckia hirta)
- Purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea)
- Marsh blazing star (Liatris spicata)
- White wild indigo (Baptisia alba)
- Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)
- Bee balm (Monarda spp.)
Bees in Media
Marvel Comics' Swarm
Minecraft Bee
Flight of the Bumblebee - Rimsky Korsakov
Bumblebee - Transformers
Beedrill and Combee - Pokemon
Nasonex Bee
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