The Compost Dump
Home of the Pillbugs

Pillbug fun facts:
- When oxygenated, their blood may appear blue.
- They have seven pairs of jointed legs.
- They breathe through gills and require moist environments to breathe. However, they cannot survive being submerged in water.
- Pillbugs are crustaceans, not insects.
- They are important for ridding the soil of heavy metal ions by taking in copper, zinc, lead, arsenic, and cadmium. Thus, they can survive in contaminated soil where other species can't.
- Pill bugs’ preferred food is dead organic plant matter. They help speed up decomposition.
- They are most active at night.
Pillbugs in Media
Elder Baldur - Hollow Knight
Tuck and Roll - A Bug's Life
Fake Me To Your Leader - Rescue Rangers
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